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I am not Anna!

Anna Hazare is everywhere, you open up any newspaper, any news channel, he is there! The shots from news clippings show you that Anna has support of all India! You will see a lot of people on Ramlila ground in his support! Today is 10th Day of his fast for Jan Lokpal Bill. People all over holding protest march, candle march, shouting slogans like Vande Mataram, Bharat mata Kee Jai! People have cap or T-shirt written all over – I am Anna! So, it’s all Anna fever for the last 10 days, and not sure how many more days it will continue!

But I am not Anna! And I do not want to be Anna! I do not support Anna’s movement! Don’t be surprised by this, as my last post was in April, and it was about Anna, whereas I supported him! So, why am I not supporting him now? Because I have my own eyes, my own mind and I can think, I can decide what is right and what is wrong! When he was right, I supported him, but when he is wrong, I am not supporting him, simple! Isn’t it?

Now the second question is, why do I think he is not right this time? When there are so much support from public, media and social networking, why my thinking is different? And that is why I needed this Blog, as I had some interesting debate on Facebook, and thought that it’s better to write it in Blog, than post it in bits and pieces over Facebook.

I admire Anna for bringing this bill in front and so close to getting into a law, which was ignored for such a long period. He did the right thing, and we Indians are thankful to him for that. But, this time, he has gone a little far. He is now proposing something, which cannot be done as per our constitution. And as a republic, the largest democracy of the world, we cannot let this happen!

Anna wants his bill to be passed as law, bypassing all process which is written in our constitution! This is anti-national activity! This is not expected out of people like Anna Hazare or Kiran Bedi!

People argue that public is with Anna! Where is this public? At Ramlila ground? On the street at various cities? How many are we talking about here? 10 Lakhs? 20 Lakhs? 50 Lakhs? But we are talking about 125Cr Indians, and we are talking about Parliament, which is the house of public’s selected representatives! We the people of India have selected them all to run this country, and they represent India, not Anna! Anna should understand that Govt is selected by people, whatever flowed process it is, but it’s based on our constitution, and Anna only have support from max 5% of the population? That too is questionable! So, he does not represent India, he is not India. He is another social activist, and was doing a good job of bringing this bill into limelight. He should have put pressure on govt to pass it asap. But bypassing all democratic process is very dangerous and can lead to much complicated similar campaigns in future! There will be many more people, who have public support - for example, Kashmir freedom, and can come down on street quoting Anna! That is why I do not support his movement.

Again, there are arguments about all our politicians are corrupt and they will not let this bill pass. But who are these politicians? Who selected them? It’s the same people who are now supporting Anna! If we are saying that we did not select or support right people for last 64 years, what is the guarantee that this time we are supporting correct team? And, if we call for support to Anna, let him form a political party, with all clean people, run for election, and then form a government! If he really has support of India, there should not be any issue with this. Then why this arm-twisting going on at Ramlila ground? Is it because he and his team know that they cannot do this under oath of the government? Because it will not be possible for any government to pass any law like this? But if this is the case, and Anna knows about this, why is he on fast? What will he get out of it? I don’t think he has any ambitions to become politician or minister! What I do not understand is, why he is doing this, knowing that his demand is not possible! Or, does he really know this? Maybe his team has not informed him with the practicality of the situation!         

I have spoken to a lot of supporters of Anna, and most has one thing in common, they think that India’s complete system is corrupt, starting from ministers, judiciary, and departments, everyone is corrupt and there is no hope for anything! Some even argue that the democratic process of election is not able to select right candidates! But they fail to understand, that when we talk about the whole system, it includes us as well! Who are these people we are calling corrupt? Police? Judge? Railway ticket checker? Babu in govt office? They are all Indians, and they are all part of our society! So, if they are corrupt, means we are corrupt! And this fight is against us, not against handful of leaders! And, we all are corrupt, believe me, it will be very hard to find someone who has not paid money to get something done in his or her entire life! We encourage corruption, and now we are fighting against it!

But again, I do support fight against corruption, but I respect my country, and I respect my freedom. I do not want that freedom to be taken away by anyone! And what Anna wants, is to take that freedom away! A bill prepared by few individuals without any proper public support, converted into law without any debate or discussion? This is extremist and not democratic! If this  happens, we will have to justify similar other public movement. We will have to justify Babri, Kashmir, Khalistan, 1984, ULFA, LTTE, Jharkhand and many for decades. All these have support of LAKHS. 1000s sacrificed their life. But these are undemocratic demands, and that’s what Anna is doing right now!

Let’s hope Anna end his fast and let the real representatives of public, the parliament decide about the bill. His bill can be presented for debate in parliament by any MP. And I am sure he will find one good MP out of 550 to do so.

Annaji, please end your fast, as your current demand is not going to be met, not because it is not right, but because it is unconstitutional, and no government, even if they want, can do that. If government wants to pass your bill, it still has to go through Standing Committee. Your demands are not practical, and it cannot be met. So, please do not continue with your fast.


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