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My poetry – or my brief encounter with poetry during my school days!

I was in school, and I wrote a small poem in Hindi, on 31st October 1989, 3 years prior to the actual demolition. Those were the days when Ayodhya was main topic, and was every day on the front page of newspapers.  I saw that poem tucked somewhere in my old diary, and thought of sharing this. Its about request from God to all, for not taking the route of violence! But it seems we did not listen to our God, and went ahead with bloodshed of our brothers!

We all know about Ayodhya dispute, and what happened on 6th December 1992, and after that as well! For me, it was the day when I felt bad of being a Hindu, otherwise I was and am proud of being a Hindu. But that incident was not just a black day on Indian history, but also on Hindu culture! I know different people have different opinion, and I do respect those. But when opinion becomes action, against other community, then its no longer an opinion, but becomes terrorism. And on that day, we saw the terrorist face of Hindu. That incident was also a start of Pakistan supported terrorist activities in other parts of India. Prior to that, the terrorist were limited to Panjab, Kashmir and some part of North-East. Prior to that, the justification against India was limited to these regions, but then, post 6th December 1992, we gave justifications to the youth of all across India, to get influenced by Pakistan, and start supporting terrorist activities. But this post is not related to that, so I will limit myself here. 

I was in school, and I wrote a small poem in Hindi, on 31st October 1989, 3 years prior to the actual demolition. Those were the days when Ayodhya was main topic, and was every day on the front page of newspapers.  I saw that poem tucked somewhere in my old diary, and thought of sharing this. Its about request from God to all, for not taking the route of violence! But it seems we did not listen to our God, and went ahead with bloodshed of our brothers!

ये हिंदू ये मुसलमान, आपस में लड़ रहे है,
बिन बात के झगड़े पर, क्यों ये झगड़ रहे है?

मंदिर हो या मस्जिद, क्या फर्क पड़ता है,
इबादत तो सब उसी, ऊपर वाले की करता है.

कोई खुदा कोई उसे, कहता है भगवान,
पर उसकी नजर में तो, हम सब है एक सामान.

हिंदू मुस्लिम उसकी तो, दो अलग अलग संतान है,
पर दोनों के प्रति उसका, प्यार एक सामान है.

चाहे मंदिर में पूजन हो, या मस्जिद में अज़ान,
सबकुछ वो स्वीकार करता, देता है सबको वरदान.

आज किसका वो पक्ष ले, किसे दे अयोध्या का स्थान,
इसलिए वो विनती करता, सुनो सभी लगाकर ध्यान.

हिंदू हो या मुसलमान, सुन ले आज ये बात सभी,
ऐसी मंदिर मस्जिद, नहीं चाहिए मुझे कभी.

दंगों और फ़सादों से, जिसकी हो बुनियाद खड़ी,
और जिसकी हर दीवार, लहू से हो रंगी पड़ी.

मैंने अयोध्या में नहीं, इस विश्व में जन्म लिया था,
सिर्फ़ अयोध्या को नहीं, पूरे विश्व को ज्ञान दिया था.

कही मुहम्मद कहलाता हु, कही मुझे है राम वे कहते,
चाहे किसी विधि से हो, पूजा का ही काम वे करते.

हिंदू हो या मुसलमान हो, सिख हो या इसाई हो,
सभी मेरे ही बच्चे हो, सभी आपस में भाई हो.

इसलिए ए धरती वालों, मत लड़ो तुम आपस में,
अपने अपने गुस्से को, रखना सीखो, अपने बस में.

तुन आपस में लड़ कर, क्या सुख शांति से रह पाओगे?
अपने लहू भरे हाथों से, क्या मेरी इबादत कर पाओगे?

सच्चे दिल से तुम मेरी, कही भी पूजा कर सकते हो,
मेरे मन को तुम अपने, श्रद्धा भक्ति से भर सकते हो.

किसी पूजा की विधि पर, प्रसन्न नहीं मैं हो सकता,
पर इबादत करने वालों की, श्रद्धा का हु मान मै रखता.

इसलिए ए धरती वालों, अयोध्या का विवाद छोड़ो,
सुख शांति से रहना सीखो, हैवानियत से मुख मोड़ों.

तभी खुदा होगा प्रसन्न, और ख़ुश होगा भगवान,
सुख और समृद्धि का, तुमको वो देगा वरदान.

This may not look good, by the actual standard of poetry, but remember I am not a poet, and written it long back, at the age of 17 only. So, considering that, I think it is good, and inspired by the time we lived in those days. So, thought of sharing it on my blog today, so that even if the paper in my old diary does not hold good for the days to come, this will keep me reminding the days we have faced in our life!


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