A few days ago, I read a local news about a school van driver molesting three kids for more than 1.5 years! This is sick! The age of these kids is between 6 to 12 years! I am not sure what fun or satisfaction these criminals get by abusing small kids, but I am sure of one thing – the punishment we give them according to our law is not enough! Talk to any sensible person, and they will recommend the highest possible punishment for such act! And if you ask me, I would like them to pay for the torture they have done, and the trauma they have given to these kids for the rest of their life! I would like them to be buried alive upto the waist, in an open ground, and left there to die! Or torture them, slowly, cutting one piece of their body at a time, and keeping them alive, so that they get the feeling of their own doing to the kids before they die! I want them to die, but no sudden death, slow, tortured death! And I want everyone else to know how they died, so that others understand the...
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