God works in mysterious ways. God helps who trust God with the core of their heart. You can’t just perform some rituals and expect God to fulfill your wishes. You have to have faith in God. And your faith should not be selfish that if your wish is delayed, then you start questioning God. When you show true faith and devotion, God comes to you, show you the right path. Now all you have to do is walk on that path. This is exactly what PK story is all about. True faith and devotion towards God take the alien on his spiritual journey and God respond by showing him the right path.
PK is a story of an alien coming to earth, for doing research on life and living beings here on our planet. He lost his locket, which is also the control for communicating with his people. He can’t speak or understand our language, as beings on his planet communicate via mind. Now, the first part of PK is about his struggle to find the remote. That starts with him getting cloths, meeting Bhairav, trying to hold hands of girls for learning language, and then there is some singing and dancing by Bhairav. There are few comical moments to tickle your funny bones.
Then he finally gets to learn the language, of course with help from Bhairav and a Bihari prostitute. So, the language he spoke from this point onward is Bhojpuri. Once medium of communication is established, his next goal was to secure the remote. Bhairav again helped him with the required information that his remote may have already been sent to Delhi for sell. So, PK part ways from Bhairav and head towards Delhi in search for his remote.
I hope you all are still with me. So far, the story is not very complicated and it’s not yet moved to the controversial part yet. Read on.
While looking for remote in Delhi, PK got his name, as so far he was not having any name. I am not sure how an advance civilization which communicate with mind, don’t have identification. How will they talk about a third person? What reference will they give? But I think for these answers, we may have to wait for some other part of the movie, where we may be taken up on PK’s planet. This movie is limited to one alien and earth only. So, let’s stick to our story.
Everyone thinks he is drunk, because of his questions. The questions he asks are very dumb, because he has not done his research and started communicating with people of earth.
Being Drunk in Hindi is called “Pee Key”, so he gets his name PK. While searching, he also learnt about the existence of God. He was surprised as there was no God on his planet. When he saw people going for God’s house, he was delighted that people of this planet have not just found out the creator of this universe, but the creator is living along with people here. People suggested him to ask God for help in finding the remote.
God works in mysterious ways. God helps who trust God with the core of their heart. You can’t just perform some rituals and expect God to fulfil your wishes. You have to have faith in God. And your faith should not be selfish that if your wish is delayed, then you start questioning God. When you show true faith and devotion, God comes to you, show you the right path. Now all you have to do is walk on that path. This is exactly what PK story is all about. True faith and devotion towards God take the alien on his spiritual journey and God respond by showing him the right path.
PK believes in God as supreme power, the creator of universe, and starts his devotion towards God. He comes to know that God is known by different names and there are different groups performing different type of rituals to please God. He, being a true devotee, believes in all Gods, and follows all such rituals. Finally, one day, God helps him by showing the remote in hands of Tapaswiji, a spiritual guru. The spiritual guru thinks that the remote is a divine thing, and encourage people to build a temple for the remote. God have shown the path to PK for getting his remote, and also have him meet Jaggu, the girl with who he will fall in love.
Then the story moves towards one sided love of PK and the planning of PK with Jaggu for getting the remote back from Tapaswiji. PK has understood that God respect true devotion, faith and dedication, whereas these Spiritual gurus are taking advantage of people in the name of God. So he challenges Tapaswiji with help from Jaggu’s TV show. PK was no messiah and had no intention of correcting the system or people’s mind about spiritual gurus. His sole intention was to get back his remote. The story moves forward and finally there is a live debate between Tapaswiji and PK take place in the climax. This debate is about spirituality and devotion. Both Tapaswiji and PK were right, but their intentions were different and so is their way of looking things. Tapaswiji got caught in one of his earlier prediction, which PK thought was wrong based on his alien power of mind reading. Tapaswiji lost the debate and had to return the remote. Finally, PK’s faith, devotion and dedication have earned him his lost remote.
PK finally took off for his planet, instead of staying and completing his research. He did return back after one year, with a team of aliens from his planet. PK’s first visit has shown him the path of God, opened his soul to the emotion of love, and he alone was not capable to do research on these complicated matters. So, he brought back a team for doing the research. The movie ends at this point, because the story was not about alien’s research. They story was about our spiritual power, the power of God, the power of religion, faith and devotion. It does not matter if you are an alien or human or animal, if you have faith in God, dedication in your devotion, you are loved by God. Even if you lose your faith, God will still love you and show you the ways. Now you have to decide, if you can walk on the way shown by God. You may still need faith to start your journey.
I hope now the story of PK is much clearer to you. Let me know if you think this is not the right kind of interpretation and you have a different interpretation of this story. Please put your comments below or mail me. Closing my last post of 2014 by wishing everyone